Hawai'i School of True
Science Academy
We are a home school resource K-12 ages, that teaches science courses strictly based on Creation and Biblical facts.
We also teach all STEM and other subjects using creation-based science curriculum and textbooks for university students.
We operate out of Maui, Hawaii and our classes are either on line, live or at specific locations as determined by parents. Classes can be arranged to be held at your choice location in Maui.
The principals have taught at the University of Hawaii STEM based subjects, and at various other schools and universities in the USA and South America.
Due to our strategic location, we serve Island wide, National, and International students .
We are convinced that distance learning and home schooling "Produce better educational results than traditional education" https://creationhomeschooler.blogspot.com/p/will-you-teach-obtain-tenure-at.html. (Echeverria, 2017)
We see and read every day, with dismay - evidence that as Christians all of us and our children are being "bullied" - by either the government, its schools, or other non-Christians - into believing something other than what the Bible teaches. We, and our children are being forced and taught non-scientific theories and, even worse force fed and - tested- to accept life styles, concepts and ideas - that are in complete disagreement with the Bible.
As such our children and we, as parents, must be prepared to bravely and emphatically defend the Scientific axioms based on unquestionable facts.
The only proper way to do this is through - Facts based Science education - and Indisputable Scientific findings.
If we and our children are properly educated, we will be equipped to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:15
We know that all, and that every academic subject is capable of being taught and should be taught from a biblical point of view .
What subjects do we teach in order to help our children?
We use “Apologia” and other STEM based textbooks, that are fact-based science curriculum for grades K–12, that contain - Intelligent Creation - world view curriculum for ages six to adult children and all the way to university students.
In time, we hope to transform into a full fledged university that will concentrate on sciences (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Micro-Biology, Astronomy, archeology studies, Hawaii volcano studies, Fossils forensics studies, Information science, DNA molecular and genetic studies) and all other elective courses strictly based on True -Observable - Science, Creation and Biblical facts.
Images courtesy of Wikipedia
Why Home school ?
Our research shows that “There are about 2.3 million home-educated students in the United States (as of spring 2016)” (Ray, 2018).
Additionally, “The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50 th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.)" (Ray, 2015).
According to Ray (2018), the main reasons for home schooling your children are these:
Reasons and Motivations for Home Educating
Most parents and youth decide to homeschool for more than one reason. The most common reasons given for homeschooling are the following:
- customize or individualize the curriculum and learning environment for each child,
- accomplish more academically than in schools,
- use pedagogical approaches other than those typical in institutional schools,
- enhance family relationships between children and parents and among siblings,
- provide guided and reasoned social interactions with youthful peers and adults,
- provide a safer environment for children and youth, because of physical violence, drugs and alcohol, psychological abuse, racism, and improper and unhealthy sexuality associated with institutional schools, and
- teach and impart a particular set of values, beliefs, and worldview to children and youth.
Our Mission
The Hawai'i School of True Science (HSTS) Academy is a private, organization (under Computer Integrations, Inc, founded in 2001). The mission of this Academy is to educate students in person and on line -including home schoolers and university students - in order to promote true scientific research & education in the State of Hawai'i that will propagate to the rest of the world.
This Academy is dedicated to develop programs and research for the sciences and learning communities based on True Science and -Research Based on Observations- and not on scientism - questionable theories or unfounded ideological leanings.
In this respect we are no different than the Founders of early modern
science- such as Johannes Kleper, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, John
Dalton, William Morley, George Stokes, Dr. William Prout, Charles Stine,
James Maxwell, and countless other late-nineteen and earlier century
scientists - who acknowledged that a rational mind is behind the order,
design, and creation of the Universe
McManamy, Snyder, Meier, & Simpson, 2014).
The principals have taught at the University of Hawaii STEM based
subjects, and at various other schools and universities in the USA and
South America.
Our vision is
to see True Science vindicated once again -
as in Pasteur's day - "microbiologist Louis Pasteur’s studies of microbes published in 1861 helped to establish the principle of biogenesis—namely, that organisms arise only by the reproduction of other organisms" - and to correct false thinking,
so that all children, from birth to K - 12, to university students
and scientists all over the world, learn the truth about life's origins based on true and axiomatic Facts
- without being misled into believing made up
theories and ideas - that are based on unprovable science - and
questionable "facts".
Echeverria, F. (2017). Distance Learning- Home Schooling, “Produce better educational results than traditional education.” Retrieved March 14, 2018, from https://creationhomeschooler.blogspot.com/p/will-y...
Ray, B., Ph. D. (2018). Research Facts on Home Schooling,
(HomeSchool Fast Facts). Retrieved from
Meyer, S., C. (2009). Signature in the Cell. Harper Collins Publishers.
Plourde, K., M. S., McManamy, M. M., Ph. ., Snyder, C., Ph. ., Meier, B., M. A., & Simpson, D., M. S. (2014). Exploring Creation with Chemistry (3rd ed.).
* Scientism: The belief that science is the only reliable source of Truth (Axe, 2016).